ESP8266 based IoT Panic Alarm for Old Age People using Blynk

ESP8266 based IoT Panic Alarm for Old Age People using Blynk

In this tutorial we are going to setup a ESP8266 based IoT Panic Alarm for Old Age People using Blynk. We are going to see the design and the requirement for this project. This project is specially designed for old age people.

We can see many of elder people around us and some of them are not that technical while using gadgets. Subsequently, they need a gadget when they need someone’s help they can inform them. This IoT panic alarm will help them which works over WiFi. We are using ESP8266 WiFi module to simplify it and make it more portable.

Things Needed

  1. ESP8266-01 WiFi Module
  2. A Push Button.
  3. A battery pack or a power source


The working of this alarm is simple. The person has to just push the button seeking for attention. Immediately an alert will be sent in Blynk app and parallelly, an email will be sent to the concerned email address. It can be configured further to send an SMS to nearest hospital or call an emergency service.
ESP8266 based IoT Panic Alarm for Old Age People using Blynk
As an example, You can configure the device for sending emails to very closed ones who can take care of the person. Aged people can call someone by pressing one button. To make it more compact and handy you can add a small battery pack. Using this project can provide lots of benefits.

Benefits of IoT Panic Alarm

  • For sending an emergency alert to family or any authority
  • Get immediate attention to get medicine
  • For getting help if the person is alone

Connection Diagram

You have to make the connection as per the diagram below. It is easy and can be made by any beginner. This project can be mounted on a small box after successful testing along with a battery pack as a power source.

ESP8266 based IoT Panic Alarm for Old Age People using Blynk

Setting Up Blynk Project

Open the Blynk App and tap on New Project

Blynk config

Enter a project name followed by select ESP8266 as device and tap on Create

ESP8266 based IoT Panic Alarm for Old Age People using Blynk

An Auth Token will be sent to you registered email id.

Blynk Token

Now lets add the widgets from the widget box. Select Notification and Email widgets.

ESP8266 based IoT Panic Alarm for Old Age People using Blynk

Now tap on notification widget and configure as shown below.

In the same way tap on email settings and update the email address to which email will be sent.

Finally your Blynk setup will be complete and it will look some what as shown below.

ESP8266 based IoT Panic Alarm for Old Age People using Blynk

Complete Code

You can download the complete code from the link below. After downloading just unzip it and open it using Arduino IDE. Select the correct board and upload it. We have a good article for uploading the code to ESP8266-01.

Suggested Reading:

Preparing the code before uploading

Before you start uploading the code and use your device, you have to make some changes in the code to make it work properly.

Below are the library files which we need. You can install it by going to Sketch-> Include library-> Manage libraries.

Now Search for “ESP8266” and click on install.

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>

Next you need to update the Blynk authentication token which you will receive on your registered email id.

char auth[] = "AuthToken";

Here you have to provide your WiFi details which is name of your wifi and password.

//Your WiFi credentials.
char ssid[] = "Your Network SSID";
char pass[] = "Network Password";

You can customize the alert and email messages here.

//EMAIL and PUSH Notification"Serious Alert", "Please check the patient");
Blynk.notify("Serious Alert : Please check the patient");

Building and Testing

After connecting all the components on a breadboard and uploading the code, its time to power it on. Once you power it on it will start and try to connect with the WiFi connection.

ESP8266 based IoT Panic Alarm for Old Age People using Blynk

Once you press the switch it will trigger a notification along with an email.

ESP8266 based IoT Panic Alarm for Old Age People using Blynk

You will also receive an email along with the Blynk notification.

ESP8266 based IoT Panic Alarm for Old Age People using Blynk


We have built a ESP8266 based IoT Panic Alarm. This can be also named as Health care alarm using blynk app. I hope you will enjoy building this project and also reading this article. Please share this article and help others to learn IoT.

2 thoughts on “ESP8266 based IoT Panic Alarm for Old Age People using Blynk”

  1. Hi thanks for this circuit. I see your circuit is missing the negative on the ESP. Tell me. Does the Blynk app have to remain in the background or will it work automatically. Thanks.


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